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Google is finally pronounced. Although it was not Google in general, but Dan Cobley, the boss of the company in United Kingdom and Ireland, therefore occupies a very important position. They have been in contact with all those buyers who still not have been able to receive his Nexus 4 by lack of stock, to apologize for what happened. Incidentally, they have blamed LG for some supply problems, and have toned the mea culpa when they have referred to the deficiency of the communication with users and the media.

13 November, Google threw to the market through its Play Store mobile device with best quality/price ratio that has never seen. Quad-core processor, high definition screen, the latest version of the Android operating system, and free by just 300 euros. Demand would be immense, and so was. So much, that they could not even endure it, both at technical level level distribution, since neither the store endured so much traffic, nor had the necessary units. It was known that it was going to happen, but what was not expected is that it would take both to be available for purchase again.

Recently I went back to be available in United Kingdom and Germany, and did not last long. They returned to arise some problems in high demand. But it seems that Google this time has learned to take action. Communication was essential, and has criticized them for not doing releases officers about what had happened with the Nexus 4, as well as for not giving more information to buyers. Why, Google UK has decided to get in touch with them to explain what happened.

Among other things, come to say that the "manufacturer supplies have been scarce and erratic", clearly referring to LG, which comes to indicate that it is likely that at the end they have met with agreed deadlines, something that is always to be expected in this type of situation. However, have also made an act of self-criticism by stating that "our communication has been poor". They wanted to show a "sincere apology" for the failures of communication and the way in which you have led the process.

At least have realized now of mistakes that have been made. However, does not seem the best start a statement blaming others for what happened, especially when you also have part of blame and are responsible for end of product. Buyers have to ask Google, accounts and don't mind actually why it had been delayed the sale of the same, this is a thing of Mountain View.


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