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Although the hybrids, and epecialmente hybrids with Windows 8, seem more appropriate for work and, in any case, there are always options for using our tablets for that purpose, in most cases its use appears to be much more oriented toward entertainment, primarily with games, but also for video and audio playback. However, it is quite common that we encounter the problem that our devices have a limited storage capacity, so applications that allow us to access the online content, in this case music, are an interesting option. You present a small selection of payment, and with the best free applications for Android, from streaming music.

The official Google application lets you store in the cloud your music and listen to it online without worry by space or synchronization. An application is free, the limit of songs that you can upload is 20,000 and can authorize up to 10 devices different to enjoy your collection. If there is any drawback that can put you, apart from the fact that the limit may be too low for music lovers of pro, is the heaviness that can assume the process to upload your music to the cloud. However, once done, ease of use is very important. Of course, being an own Google application has a perfect synchronisation with the rest of your applications like Google Play and Google +.

We have spoken on other occasions of Pandora, although probably already you knew it, since this may be free most popular streaming radio service, and one of the best valued by the users. The operation is quite simple: you simply choose an artist, song, or genre, and the application you will start to select a from there similar music that estimates that it can correspond to your tastes. As the songs are playing you can assess them positively or negatively and help that the selection will refine. On the negative side, in addition to the ads, it has the disadvantage that does not allow you to listen to a specific song, but that you're always slightly subject to "random".

The implementation of this social network dedicated to music has some particular features that can make it quite interesting depending on what you look for. Although you can select the music you listen to, it is similar to Pandora since one of the main features of this application is that the music you're listening to is registered and lets you access recommendations to hear new things, with the advantage that you can add your records from other music players to help better refine those recommendations. Obviously, is also among its points that shed "social" of the application: you can connect with other users, make groups dedicated to specific artists or genres, etc. The negative point in this case is that the free version is quite limited, so you will need to pay a subscription of 3 euros per month.

Spotify does not need much presentation at this stage, since it is a classic of the streaming music that almost everyone knows, at least in its version for PC. It has a pretty extensive catalog , and you can have both options to create playlists, getting recommendations, as well as having one of the most successful social networking integrations. Service for mobile devices has the disadvantage that is only possible with a premium account, representing a subscription of 10 euros per month. However, you can make a test of the service for a period of 48 hours without any cost, so you can always try and judge from experience whether it is worth the trouble the disbursement.


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