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As you can easily deduce by reading the title of this post, the following paragraphs will be slightly exaggerated, so we recommend the trolls to abstain from continue reading, although I know that's going to feed your desire to read more. And it is that, basically, the seven-inch tablets are about to die. Yes, those such as Nexus 7, Galaxy Tab 7, and those so cheap that are sold, stop soon be in stores. The market is changing in a radical way, and users will no longer have the need for a seven-inch tablet, for many reasons.

Often, over time, that a certain prototype of product on the market just by dividing into two different. Usually one of the big companies in the sector, or rather several, that produce this change, aiming to clear to sell a greater amount of equipment. Apple made the first move of its kind in the world of mobile devices to launch its iPad as a revolutionary product. There were many users who said that he was not going to have success because it was not supplying any necessity, was just a whim. However, it is clear that its success has been incredibly featured.

Now no one doubts now that an iPad can fill a need. However, then came the seven-inch. We talked not only about mobile and tablets, but also an intermediary device between these two. Later Samsung got its Galaxy Note. A phablet, without more, a device that was back to half way between two mobile phones and tablets of seven inches. There are four already, smartphones, phablets, seven-inch tablets and tablets of ten inches. Can more there be? Yes, two more, and Apple and Samsung know this, but for that they have to kill one of the already implanted, seven-inch tablets.

The data indicate that the South Korean company could walk behind draw a Galaxy Note of 6.3 inches. This would lead the phablets to a larger level. Smartphones would be five inches, and in addition, there would be still the concept of mobile small, here we have three. Obviously, with such large phablets couldn't exist seven-inch tablets, but it is these, would be to have the iPad Mini size, between eight and nine inch. And finally, it would be the 10-inch tablet. In total, five products than it initially was one, mobile. So these five coexist will have to sacrifice one, which will continue to grow, and that one is the seven-inch tablet. With these five, makes the needs and tastes of the entire market.


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