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Football is the sport King in UK, that there is no doubt. There are several titles that allow you to get into the skin of one of the stars that exist today, but now is when the titles of simulación(los que te permiten dirigir los designios de un club en todos sus ámbitos) come to Android devices. An example is the new Football Manager Handheld 2013 of SEGA.

As every game of football manager self-respecting, aims to choose a club among the 14 leagues which includes, and try to achieve the greatest possible achievements: trophies, best signings, most modern Stadium... everything that you can think you and that relates to the world of balloon.

To achieve this, you can manage all the details of a team. For example, from transfers, trainings, alignments... all at the reach of you mobile device. Therefore, you not only get into the skin of a coach, but that you do it in the form of manager... in the purest English style. Therefore, we have a game that is a true mirror of which there are computers and consoles.

There are two game modes: race, in which you will have to take a team during the passage of the years biggest dimensions possible, and challenge, in which a "scenario" is played. For example, getting a team to achieve their first Champions League. You decide.

The graphics and sound are usual for a game of this type, so you must not find spectaclar animations or impressive compositions. The fun of this game is the ultimate goal and get to grow. Therefore, in this section you don't carry to deception. Football Manager Handheld 2013 innovations with respect to the previous release are as follows:
Update of the leagues and the jugadoresEn database licensed leagues now included the photos of the jugadoresLas competitions in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland have been incluidoSe includes a comparator of players and updates of the form Fisicaexisten added in the notifications of the media and in the reports of the parties
This game, which costs 8,99€, I could download this link of Google Play. The requirements are Android 2.2 or higher and 23 MB of free space. By the way, purchase in-game options, have expanded since it is now possible to acquire new challenges and, even, the arrival of a benefactor who invest in the club.


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